Chesapeake Energy Company Jobs and Career Vacancies in USA

Do you want job at Chesapeake Energy Company? Do you want a job at abroad? If yes, Here we will update the latest job and career vacancies.

So Let’s discuss about new job vacancy from the Chesapeake Energy Company jobs and career vacancies from different places. We can look the job vacancies and the company recruitment in this article. If you are a graduate or student both can apply for the job title that we are going to list. We are a listing the genuine and real job vacancies that we are listing in this site

About Us – Chesapeake Energy

Chesapeake Energy Corporation is an American energy company engaged in hydrocarbon exploration. It is headquartered in Oklahoma City. The company is named after the founder’s love for the Chesapeake Bay region. The company is ranked 513th on the Fortune 500. In 2021, the company produced 463 thousand barrels of oil equivalent (2,830,000 GJ) per day, of which 69% was natural gas, 24% was petroleum, and 7% was natural gas liquids. As of December 31, 2021, the company had 1,596 million barrels of oil equivalent (9.76×109 GJ) of estimated proved reserves, of which 69% was natural gas, 23% was petroleum, and 8% was natural gas liquids.

The company was founded in 1989 by Aubrey McClendon and Tom L. Ward with a $50,000 initial investment. McClendon named the company due to his love of the Chesapeake Bay region.[3] Ward left the company in 2006 to establish SandRidge Energy. In 1993, the company became a public company via an initial public offering, valuing the company at $25 million. Focusing on a strategy of drilling horizontal natural gas wells in unconventional reservoirs, the company built a sizable position in the Golden Trend and Sholem Alechem fields of South-central Oklahoma and in the Giddings field of Southeast Texas. In the mid-1990s, the company attempted to extend the Austin Chalk play into western and central Louisiana but struggled to do so.

In 1997, the company wrote down the value of its assets by over $200 million, approximately equal to shareholder’s equity at the time, due to low commodity prices and implemented a turnaround plan. In the early 2000s, after a rise in natural gas prices made it economically feasible, the company focused on unconventional drilling in carbonates, tight sandstone, and shale particularly in the Barnett Shale, Fayetteville Shale, and the Marcellus Formation. In 2006, the company was added to the S&P 500. It was removed from the index in 2018. In 2008, the company announced its discovery of the Haynesville Shale in East Texas and northwestern Louisiana.

In 2009, the company partnered with Orange County Choppers to create the first chopper powered by compressed natural gas. In 2011, Chesapeake Energy agreed to a 12-year naming rights partnership with the Oklahoma City Thunder for naming and branding rights of the Paycom Center at a cost of $3 million per year, with annual increases of 3%. On April 20, 2021, the agreement was terminated. In June 2012, in response to shareholder concerns about corporate governance issues under McClendon’s watch, the company appointed Archie W. Dunham as chairman, while Aubrey McClendon remained CEO. In December 2012, the company sold midstream assets for $2.16 billion.

List of Available Vacancies in Chesapeake Energy Company

Sr. Investor Relations AnalystUS
Accounting Advisor – SEC ReportingUS
Sr. IT AnalystUS
Owner Relations Representative IUS
Sr. Data EngineerUS
Income Tax Accounting SpecialistUS
Sr. Business Process AnalystUS
Paralegal II – ContractsUS
Natural Gas Trader IUS
Sr. Gas SchedulerUS
Sr. Income Tax AccountantUS
Gas Scheduler IUS
Sr. Supply Chain Business AnalystUS

How To Apply For The Jobs In Chesapeake Energy Company – 2022

Click the link above to visit the company website, then you can submit an application for this position. If you find any vacancy you can just submit your CV on the website and the recruitment team will contact you when there is any vacancy is available. So start applying to the vacancies and hope you will get a good job and great career.

Updated CV
Original passport with minimum 1 year validity and a copy with previous visa
Highest educational degree certificate
Work experience related to the job
Recently taken passport size a full size colour photographs
Academic certificates and job related training certificates a work experience

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