Agility Logistics Company Jobs and Career Vacancies in US and Singapore

Do you want job at Agility Logistics Company? Do you want a job at abroad? If yes, Here we will update the latest job and career vacancies.

So Let’s discuss about new job vacancy from the Agility Logistics Company jobs and career vacancies from different places. We can look the job vacancies and the company recruitment in this article. If you are a graduate or student both can apply for the job title that we are going to list. We are a listing the genuine and real job vacancies that we are listing in this site.

About Us – Agility Logistics

Agility Public Warehousing Company K.S.C.P. is a publicly traded global company headquartered in Kuwait, and is a leading provider of supply chain services, innovation and investment. The company develops and operates logistics parks across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. Its subsidiaries offer e-commerce enablement and digital logistics, airport services, fuel logistics, commercial real estate, customs digitization and other supply chain services. Agility invests in technologies and ventures that enhance supply chain efficiency and sustainability, and expand access to global trade for entrepreneurs, startups and small and medium-sized businesses.

Agility shares have traded on the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE: AGLTY) since 1984 and the Dubai Financial Market (DFM: AGLTY) since 2006. Agility was established in 1979 as a state-owned company in Kuwait. Its original name was Public Warehousing Co. (PWC). Tarek Sultan was named chairman and managing director when the company was privatized in 1997. After privatization, Agility pursued a strategy of investment and expansion. Through acquisitions and establishment of new offices, it built a global presence in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America, where many of its more established competitors had yet to set up, and in the developed markets of Europe and North America.

The company grew rapidly by acquiring other logistics companies and assets such as warehouses and trucks. Among its most significant acquisitions were the USA-based companies Geologistics Corp., Transoceanic Shipping Co. Inc., WTS of Houston and Global Express Line. Also purchased were Singaporean company Trans-Link Group; Swiss company Cronat Transport Holding AG; Globe Marine Services of Saudi Arabia; Cosa Freight in China; Kenya-based Starfreight; and Tristar Transport of UAE. The company also expanded Latin American operations with the acquisition of Trafinsa SA de CV in Mexico and Itatrans in Brazil.

By 2004, Agility, then still PWC, was the largest logistics provider in the Middle East. In 2006, the company unified its services under the new name of Agility with the brand slogan “A New Logistics Leader.” Agility sold its commercial freight forwarding and logistics business in 2021 to DSV Panalpina for shares in the combined company, becoming the second-largest shareholder in the world’s #3 freight forwarder.Today, the company continues to focus on its high-performing supply chain businesses in high-growth markets. It develops and operates logistics parks across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. Agility’s subsidiaries offer ecommerce enablement and digital logistics, airport services, fuel logistics, commercial real estate, customs digitization and other supply chain services.. Through its venture capital arm, Agility Ventures , Agility invests in technologies and ventures that enhance supply chain efficiency and sustainability, and expand access to global trade.

List of Available Vacancies in Agility Logistics Company

Administrative Business PartnerUS
Air Export SpecialistUS
Digital Marketing ManagerSINGAPORE
Senior Data ScientistUS
Logistics Management SpecialistUS
Senior AccountantUS

How To Apply For The Jobs In Agility Logistics Company – 2022

Click the link above to visit the company website, then you can submit an application for this position. If you find any vacancy you can just submit your CV on the website and the recruitment team will contact you when there is any vacancy is available. So start applying to the vacancies and hope you will get a good job and great career.

Updated CV
Original passport with minimum 1 year validity and a copy with previous visa
Highest educational degree certificate
Work experience related to the job
Recently taken passport size a full size colour photographs
Academic certificates and job related training certificates a work experience

Note: We are the third parties who work behind this website ( so here we update job and career vacancies of different countries but we are not a recruiting agency, you can surely believe us that we are not fake or fraud one who provide you wrong information. though we won’t buy any registration fees or application fees from you.

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